Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Child sexual abuse victims Essay
I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Sexual abuse of children is a harsh fact of life in our society. Child sexual abuse is a form of child abuse in which an adult or older adolescents uses a child for sexual stimulation. Forms of child sexual abuse includes asking or pressuring a child to engage in sexual activates, regardless of the outcome, indecent exposure to a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desire or to intimidate or groom the child, physically sexual contact with child or using a child to produce child pornography. A child abuse victim can result in both short ââ¬â term and long-term harm physically and emotionally. What would you do if you knew a child who became a victim? Thatââ¬â¢s a question everyone should be ready to answer if they want to protect our future generations. A. DEFINITIONS There is no universal definition for CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE VICTIM(S). However, a major characteristic of any abuse is the dominant position of an adult that allows him or her to force or coerce a child into sexual activity. Child sexual abuse may include fondling a childââ¬â¢s genitals, masturbation, oral-genital contact, digital penetration, and vaginal and anal intercourse. (ââ¬Å"American psychological association,â⬠2011) Other forms of abuse can also occur that are not as easy to detect. These include showing adultsââ¬â¢ genitals to a child, showing the child pornographic or ââ¬Å"dirtyâ⬠pictures or videotapes, or using the child as a model to make pornographic materials. (ââ¬Å"Child advocacy resourcesâ⬠) A victim of child abuse suffers from PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS that have an immediate emotion. These effects of abuse cause isolation, fear and an inability to trust. This can translate into lifelong consequences, including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. Researchers have identified links between child abuse and poor mental and emotional health, Cognitive difficulties, and Social difficulties. In one long-term study, 80 percent of young adults who were abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder by age 21. Some problems include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts. Other psychological and emotional effects include panic attacks, attention-deficit/ hyperactive disorder, depression, anger, and posttraumatic stress. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) PHYSICAL EFFECTS are defined, as immediate physical abuse can be relatively minor, such as bruises or cuts. It can also be very severe such as broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death. Physical effects in some cases can be temporary, however the pain and suffering they cause a child should not be discounted. Several studies have shown adults who experience abuse or neglect during childhood is more likely to suffer from physical ailments such as allergies, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, and high blood pressure. (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2008) B. STATISTICS 1. VULNERABILITY In over 90 percent of child sexual abuses causes, the offender is known and trusted by the victim. ââ¬Å"Groomingâ⬠is the process used by the offend ender to recruiter and prepare a child for sexual victimization. It starts when the offender targets a specific child. While all children are at risk for victimization, certain factors make some children more vulnerable to sexual abuse than others. For example, a child is especially susceptible if he or she feels unloved, has low self-esteem, has little contact with committed adults or regularly spends time unsupervised. Sex offenders commonaltyà engage children by spending time with them, playing games with them, and showing them special attention or giving them gifts. Older children or teens may be offered drugs or alcohol. Offenders forge an emotional bond through frequent contact, positive interaction and by conveying the child or teen that they ââ¬Å"understandâ⬠or can appreciate their interests and concerns. In time the emotional bond leads to non-sexual physical contact which can take the form of physical play such as wrestling, affection, touching etc. In this way the offender tests the childââ¬â¢s boundaries, gradually turning into sexual touch. Usually if the child is older the child starts to become uncomfortable or fearful of the sexual activity. Offenders typically threat the child to keep them from speaking up. Most child victims are caught in a web of fear, guilt and confusion as a result of the sex offenderââ¬â¢s grooming and manipulation. Sadly, many child victims remain silent about their abuse. (Bisquera) 2. INDICATORS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Indicators of child sexual abuse are varied and should always be considered in the context of what else is happening in a childââ¬â¢s life. Any one indicator, on its own, is a sign that something may be impacting a childââ¬â¢s well being. Some behavior indicators can be unexplained change in a childââ¬â¢s comfort level (either attachment or fear) around any person in a position of trust. They could show abrupt changes in performance in school or home. A significant difference in the way the child socializes. For younger children, a sudden loss of skills could be a red flag. A child who was toilet trained could start wetting the bed. Abuse can an also include sexual behavior, often in front of others, such as self-exposure, masturbation, touching others peoples private parts, sexual language. In older children or teens this might be seen as promiscuous behavior. Physical indicators such as bruises, scratches, irritation/ itching around genitals that are not consistent with explanations of how they happened. A victim who is not sexually active could show signs of sexual transmitted diseases, such as crabs, herpes, and gonorrhea. They could also experience tenderness or soreness around areas of penetration. Finding blood in their stool or urine should also cause some concern when it is not explained by other conditions. Underwear is often where proof of abuse may exist. (Bisquera) C. EXPERT STATEMENTS 1. FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE Overall cases of child sexual abuse fell more than 60 percent from 1992 to 2010, according to David Finkelhor, a leading expert on sexual abuse. The evidence for this decline comes from a variety of indicators. It includes national surveys of child abuse and crime victimization. The crime statistics are compiled by the F.B.I analysis of data from the National Data Archive On Child Abuse and Neglect and annual surveys of school students in Minnesota. All of the data pointed in the same direction. From 1990 to 2010 cases of sexual abuse dropped from 23 per 10,000 children to 8.6 per 10,000 children. All of the subjects were under the age of 18. Researches found a 62 percent decrease. There was a 3 percent drop from 2009 to 2010. The Minnesota Student Survey also reported a 29 percent decline in reports of sexual abuse by an adult who was not a family member from1992 to 2010. They also saw a 28 percent drop in reports of sexual abuse by a family member. At the same time, the willingness of children to report sexual abuses has increased. They found that in 50 percent of sexual abuse cases, the childââ¬â¢s victimization had been reported to an authority, compared with 25 percent in 1992. (Goode, 2012) 2. COMMON MOTIVES OF OFFENDERS Studies on who commits child sexual abuse vary in their findings, but the most common finding is that the majority of sexual offenders are family members or is otherwise known to the child. Sexual abuse by strangers is not nearly as common as sexual abuse by a family member. Reasearch further shows that men perpetrate most instances of sexual abuse, but there are cases that women are the offenders. Despite a common myth, Homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men. (ââ¬Å"American psychological association,â⬠2011) About 73% of child sexual abusers report experiencing sexual abuse in their own childhood. Not all pedophiles are child molesters. Pedophilia is a clinical term that describes a person who has had repeated arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors related to sexual activities with children for at least six months. Pedophiles do notà necessarily have to act on their urges. Sexual offenders have the same attraction to children, but they act on their urges. Sexual offenders come from all backgrounds and social classes. They do their best to become friends with parents, and then they work to gain the childââ¬â¢s trust. (ââ¬Å"â⬠64 facts ofâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ 2012) II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A. HISTORY 1. THE RISE OF PUBLIC CONCERN Public concern about child abuse has steadily increased. The number of referrals to child protection services in recent years has risen every year since the 1960s. It is not clear if the increase of reporting is due to a higher incident of abuse or a widening of the definition of abuse. (Eileen, 2008) Sexual abuse of children was not taken seriously until 1964 when congress passed the Child Abuse and Prevent and Treatment Act. This established reporting requirements of suspected cases. Among some experts there was a tendency to deny that sexual abuse had lasting consequences. Researchers have now found that there are long-term emotional problems that surface. (Mintz,2012) A contributing factor to the growing public concern is also widely publicized deaths. Although the field of child protection services date back to the nineteenth century, public concern has rarely reached the present level of intensity. (Polsky, 1991) 2. CIVIL LAWSUITS Child abuse statues have been enacted in most states to provide civil immunity for those making good faith reports of suspected child abuse. Most states also provide immunity from criminal liability. Physicians, nurses and social workers are required to report suspected child abuse that comes before them in some states failure to report a case carries criminal penalties as well as civil liability. B. KEY ISSUES 1. WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE? There are short term and long-term impacts of sexual child abuse. Depression, anxiety, amnesia, disengagement and numbing are just a few have the psychological and emotional responses victimsââ¬â¢ experience. As children become adults they can suffer intimacy disturbance, making it hard for them to physically and emotionally have a healthy relationship. Suicidal thoughts and co-dependence are also long-term impacts of sexual abuse. WHAT TO DO IF YOU THINK A CHILD YOU KNOW HAS BEEN THE VICTIM OF CHILD ABUSE Speak up but choose the time and place carefully. Do not ask the child about his or her abuse in front of the person you think may be abusing the child. Ask them questions. Find out if anyone has been making them feel uncomfortable. They many not know they are being abused themselves or know its wrong. Follow up on whatever made you concerned. Ask in a non-judgmental way ââ¬â using the word ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠rather than ââ¬Å"youâ⬠so they donââ¬â¢t feel shamed. Building a trusting relationship with the child is also important. They should know how to say ââ¬Å"noâ⬠and when something does make them feel uncomfortable, they should tell a trusted adult. Most importantly, children should know that some parts of their body are private. (RAINN, 2009) PROVING SEXUAL ABUSE Many child abuse cases must be proved using circumstantial evidence because direct evidence is not available. In many instances, the child is unable to tell what happened, and the offender does not ordinarily disclose the truth. Inferences are therefore very important in providing child abuse. Some sexual abuse requires proof of forcible compulsion. When the victim is a child, the child abuses often submits to the advances of adults who have parental or similar authorities over the child. (Tomas J., 2010) C. MOST RECENT RESEARCH 1. UNDERREPORTED AND LIGHTLY PROSECUTED Child abuse is greatly underreported and under estimated mostly because of the lack of an agreed- upon definition of abuse. Underreporting is related to several factors. Children over the age of 5 often care for or know their abuser. Therefore, they find themselves trapped between the need for affection and a sense that something is wrong. Cases of sexual child abuse are often lightly prosecuted because of minimal communication betweenà the prosecutors office and child protected services. 2. POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS Some children overcome the physical and physiological effects of child abuse. Those with strong social support can adapt and cope with bad experiences. For many others, however, child abuse has lifelong consequences, For example, child abuse may result in physical, behavioral, emotion and mental issues. Some physical issues include disabilities and health problems. Abuse of others or frequent, causal sex with many different partners (sexual promiscuity) or teen pregnancy is an example of behavioral issues. Emotional issues can include low self-esteem, difficulty establishing or maintaining relationship, challenges with intimacy and trust. (Mayo Clinic, 2010) D. INFORMATION FOR THE EXPERTS 1. RESEARCH REGARDING PREVENTION STRATEGIES FROM EXPERTS Experts suggest correcting the imbalance between adult and children by empowering children. First off information is power. Children who know their own bodies are more likely to choose when, how, and by whom they are touched. Self esteem building and experts also suggest self-defense skills. Lastly children need resources. They should have a network of trusted adults they can turn to. (Torbin,2002) 2. PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM SEXUAL ABUSE The first step in protecting children from sexual abuse is recognizing telltale symptoms. Changes in attitude and rebellion at school could point to an underling problem. It is important to educated children about their body parts by understanding what is private. Adults need to be aware of their childââ¬â¢s surrounding at school or in a childcare setting. Parents should educate themselves on ââ¬Ëred flagsââ¬â¢ to protect their child from sexual abuse. III. SUMMARY A. DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS 1. ABOUT RESEARCH Despite our prevention effort, much more must be done to decrease the incidents of child abuse and neglect. Our efforts should be directed to changes in the helping system, changes in society, and additional research. One of the hopes for the future lies in research, not only to further define and understand abuse but also to evaluate existing programs. Only though out commitment to change and our willingness to research what will create a better future will we combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. 2. ABOUT PROGRAMS With child protection agencies are responsible for direct intervention form investigation and case management. These agencies can be hampered if there is not communicatory and public support for their work, which includes offering programs to help prevent child sexual abuse. There needs to be more extensive community awareness and education to reduce harm. B. SOCIETYââ¬â¢S CONCERN WITH CRIME Society is helping the system make changes in order to reduce the rate of child abuse. Research is needed to further define and understand abuse. Evaluation is also needed for the existing programs. Commitment to change and willingness to research will create a better future to combat the growing problem of sexual child abuse. IV. CONCLUSION A. THE PROBLEM REVISITED WITH OPINIONS Child abuse is always been a problem, and in recent year it has made its way to the spotlight. Many people are willing to talk about them being a victim as a child. The more people feel comfortable talking about child sexual abuse. The less it will become a crime. Children become victims because of their vulnerability of trusting adults and unaware of the wrong. If you think a child you know has been a victim of child sexual abuse thing you can do is to give the child a safe environment in which to talk to you or another trusted adult. Encourage the child to talk about what he or she hasà experienced, but be careful not to suggest events to him or her that may not of happened. Reassure the child that they did not do anything wrong. Seek mental assistance for the child. Being aware that many states laws require that persons who know or have a reason to suspect that a child has been sexual abuses must report that abuse to either a local law informant officials or child protection officials. Our future generation needs to feel protected from being a victim of child sexual abuse. B. SUGGESTION OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS. 1. PROGRAMS The best way to prevent child abuse is educate parents about child abuse. Most parents feel that this could never happen to them. When it happens the parents are in shock, but when they learn some warning signs, they are able to point them out. There are many free programs that can teach parents how to educate their children on protecting themselves from child abuse. The reality is when there are budget cuts; these programs that protect our future generations are the first to get cut. 2. POLICY Having Policyââ¬â¢s in school districts and childcare environments can be the solution to protecting children. One suggestion would be to have restrictions on when and where is acceptable for a child to alone with adult. This policy does not only protect the child, but it protects the adult from false accusations. 3. LAWS Laws against child sexual abuse can very by country. Based on the local definition of who is a child and what constitutes sexual abuse. As the age of the consent to sexual behaviors varies from country to country, so do definitions of child sexual abuse. An adultââ¬â¢s sexual intercourse with a minor below the legal age of consent may sometimes be referred to statutory rape based on the principle that any apparent consent by a minor could not be considered legal consent. References _American psychological association_. (2011). Retrieved February 20, 2013, from A.D.A.M. (2012). _New york times_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Bisquera, A. _Child sexual abuse_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from child-sexual-abuse.aspx _Child advocacy resource and consultation center_. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Child Welfare Information Gateway. (2008). _Factsheets_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Eileen , M. (2008). (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from of public concern child abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n4tQUdO1OqHQiwKnqICQCw&ved=0CFMQ6AEwBg Goode, E. (2012, June 28). Researchers see decline in child sexual abuse rate. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from of-child-sexual- abuse-on-the-decline.html?_r=0 Mayo Clinic. (2010, July 1). _Child abuse: Complications_. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from Mintz, S. (2012, July 13). Placing childhood sexual abuse in historical perspective. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from n-historical-perspective/ Polsky, A. (1991). _The rise of the therapeutic state_. (1st ed.). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from of public concern child abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=n4tQUdO1OqHQiwKnqICQCw&ved=0CF4Q6AEwCA RAINN. (2009). _Child sexual abuse_. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from information/types-of-sexual-assault/child-sexual-abuse/if-you-suspect Sue , A. M. (1996). _The reality of abuse_. Retrieved February 20, 2013, from Tomas J., G. (2010). _Criminal evidence: Principles and cases_. (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from sexual abuse&hl=en&sa=X&ei=G6ZQUaqVF8LJigKV_IDICg&ved=0CEMQ6AEwAw (2012). ââ¬Å"64 facts of.. child sexual abuse. 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Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Chapter 10 Sociology Race and Ethnicity Essay
ââ¬â Race: people who share physical characteristics, such as skin color and facial features that are passed on through reproduction ââ¬â social construction: a societal invention that labels people based on physical appearance. ââ¬â Skin color, hair texture, and eye shape are examples of unequal treatment ââ¬â Ethnic Group: a group of people who identify with a common national origin or cultural heritage that includes language, geographic roots, food, customs, traditions, and/or religion. ââ¬â Puerto Ricans, Chinese, Serbs, Arabs, Swedes, Hungarians, Jews ââ¬â Racial-Ethnic Group: people who have distinctive physical and cultural characteristics. Immigrants ââ¬â Illegal immigrants do the jobs that most Americans donââ¬â¢t want like clean homes and offices, nannies and busboys, nursesââ¬â¢ aides, and pick fruit for low wage Dominant and Minority Groups: ââ¬â Dominant Group: any physically or culturally distinctive group that has most economic and political power, the greatest privileges, and the highest social status. ââ¬â Men are dominant group because they have more status, resources, and power than women. ââ¬â Apartheid: a formal system of racial segregation ââ¬â Minority: a group of people who may be subject to differential and unequal treatment because of their physical, cultural, and other characteristics such as sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or skin color. ââ¬â American minorities have fewer choices than dominant group members in finding homes and apartments because they are less likely to get help from a bank to help with mortgage. ââ¬â Patterns of Dominant-Minority Group Relations: ââ¬â Genocide: the systematic effort to kill all members of a particular ethnic, religious, political, racial, or national group. ââ¬â Holocaust in Germany ââ¬â Segregation: the physical and social separation of dominant and minority groups. ââ¬â De Facto: informal; may be voluntary as when members of racial or ethnic groups prefer to live among their own group. Due to discrimination -De Jure: Legal; replaced by de facto ââ¬â Assimilation: the process of conforming to the culture of the dominant group, adopting its language and values, and intermarrying with that group. ââ¬â Mexicans are less likely to assimilate in the US than immigrants from the Philippines, Vietnam or South Korea because they are more likely to have entered the country illegally which cuts them from getting a good job, most public assistance programs, and eventual citizenship ââ¬â Pluralism: minority groups retain their culture but have equal social standing in a society. ââ¬â The US is pluralistic because it is multicultural, multicolored, and multilingual. Also, the US has most racial and ethnic communities (ââ¬Å"Little Italyâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Greek Townâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Little Koreaâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Spanish Harlemâ⬠) live peacefully side by side Some Sources of Racial-Ethnic Friction. ââ¬â Racism: a set of beliefs that oneââ¬â¢s own racial group is naturally superior to other groups. ââ¬â Prejudice: an attitude, positive or negative, toward people because of their membership. ââ¬â Different from us in race, ethnicity, or religion. Asians are really hard workers; White people canââ¬â¢t be trusted ââ¬â Stereotype: an oversimplified exaggerated generalization about a category of people. ââ¬â Can be positive; All African Americans are athletic ââ¬â Can be negative; All African Americans are lazy ââ¬â Ethnocentrism: the belief that oneââ¬â¢s own culture, society, or group is inherently superior to others. ââ¬â Reject those outside of our group. ââ¬â Scapegoats: individuals or groups whom people blame for their own problems or shortcomings. ââ¬â They didnââ¬â¢t hire me because the company wants blacks; I didnââ¬â¢t get into that college because Asian Americans are at the top of the list Minorities are scapegoating targets because they differ in physical appearance and too powerless to strike back. ââ¬â Stereotypes, ethnocentrism, and scapegoating are attitudes, but lead to discrimination. ââ¬â Discrimination: any act that treats people unequally or unfairly because of their group membership. ââ¬â Range from social slights (not inviting a co worker to lunch) to rejection of job application and hate crimes. ââ¬â Can be subtle (not sitting next to someone) or blatant (racial slurs) ââ¬â Individual Discrimination: harmful action on a one-to-one basis by a member of a dominant group against a member of a minority group. ââ¬â Discrimination while eating in restaurants, shopping, buying house, applying for job, etc. ââ¬â Institutional Discrimination: unequal treatment and opportunities that members of minority groups experience as a result of the everyday operations of a societyââ¬â¢s law, rules, policies, practices, and customs. ââ¬â Heath services; minorities get lower quality care than white people even when treated by the same doctor. ââ¬â Relationship between Prejudice and Discrimination: ââ¬â Robert Merton described the relationship between prejudice and discrimination as 4 patterns; 1. Unprejudiced Nondiscriminators: ââ¬Å"All-weather liberalsâ⬠They arenââ¬â¢t prejudiced and donââ¬â¢t discriminate; they believe in the American creed of freedom 2. Prejudiced Discriminators: ââ¬Å"Active Bigotsâ⬠They are prejudiced and do discriminate. They are willing to break laws to express beliefs 3. Unprejudiced Discriminators: ââ¬Å"Fair-weather liberalsâ⬠; They arenââ¬â¢t prejudiced but they discriminate because its in their own self interest to do so 4. Prejudiced Nondiscrimination: ââ¬Å"Timid Bigotsâ⬠They are prejudiced but donââ¬â¢t discriminate. Major Racial and Ethnic Groups in the US ââ¬â European Americans: immigrants from southern and eastern Europe; they viewed newcomers as dirty, lazy, and uncivilized because they differ in language, religion and customs. ââ¬â Latinos: many Latinos who were professionals in their native land only find low-income jobs in the US. They often have a hard time to both work and learn English well enough to pass exams to become doctors, lawyers, and accountants. Many are successful though. Earn better hourly wages because they are older, better educated, and more likely to be employed in construction than agriculture. ââ¬â African Americans: They are successful. A third of all black households earn incomes of $50,000 or more. ââ¬â Asian Americans: the most successful Asian Americans are those who speak English relatively well and have high education levels. Have higher educational levels than any other US racial-ethnic groups. Most likely to be concentrated in highly skilled occupations like information technology, science, engineering, and medicine. ââ¬â American Indians: they are not immigrants, they have been in the US longer than any other group. They have made considerable economic progress by insisting on self- determination and the rights of tribes to run their own affairs. Most of them work in construction and repair, maintenance, and personal and laundry services. ââ¬â Middle Eastern Americans: one of the most diverse and complex combinations of geographic, historical, religious, linguistic, and even racial places on Earth. Tend to be better educated and wealthier than other Americans. Well integrated into American life. Three of four speak only English at home or speak it well and more than half are homeowners. Sociological Explanations of Racial-Ethnic Inequality ââ¬â Functionalism: (macro) Prejudice and Discrimination can be dysfunctional, but they provide benefits for dominant groups and stabilize society. ââ¬â Conflict: (macro) Powerful groups maintain their advantages and perpetuate racial-ethnic inequality primarily through economic exploitation ââ¬â Primary Labor Market: held primarily by white workers, provide better wages, health and pension benefits, and some measure of job security. ââ¬â Secondary Labor Market: (fast-food employees) are largely minorities and easily paid, their wages are low, there are a few benefits and working conditions are poor. ââ¬â Feminist: (macro and micro) Minority women suffer from the combined effects of racism and sexism. ââ¬â Gendered Racism: the overlapping and cumulative effects of inequality due to racism and sexism. ââ¬â Symbolic Interactionism: (micro) Hostile attitudes toward minorities, which are learned, can be reduced through cooperative interracial and interethnic contacts. ââ¬â Attitudes toward dominant and minority groups through labeling and selective perception can increase prejudice and discrimination. ââ¬â Contact Hypothesis: the idea that more people get to know members of a minority group personally, the less likely they are to be prejudiced against that group Interracial and Interethnic Relationships: ââ¬â Miscegenation: marriage or sexual relations between a man and a woman of different races. ââ¬â The increase in intermarriage reflects many interrelated factors both macro and micro that include everyday contact and changing attitudes.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Project Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Project Managment - Essay Example I will be discussing some salient points relative thereto project management and will also discuss how these key points will contribute to the enhancement and achievement of targeted company goals. The matter will be answered in accordance to the lessons learned from the module of this course which provided us learners the opportunity to work, plan, and manage a project using standard theoretical precepts. Some project management tools and techniques will also be used to introduce a technique in resolving organizational issues and concerns with sensitivity to available budget allocation and dynamics of the organization. In this questionnaire, I am expected to also use the tools for negotiations, teambuilding and quantitative estimation that can be drawn from the lesson using the case presented as my springboard for analysis. 2.0. Introduction Project management refers to the strategic capacity of an organization to put direction and implement programs and projects in accordance to sp ecific goals and objectives set by the company with a purposive end in mind (Lock, 2007). The outcome could either be about gaining profit, about organizational strengthening, attaining performance efficiency or developing a collaborative action with potential partners, venture-interest, or with possible business associates (Dinsmore, & Brewin, 2011). 3.0. Discussion 3.1. Case study Johnsons is a major player in the UK dry cleaning industry. Management has decided to move operations to a new site. The new site will allow Johnsons to expand its operational base by 50% and bid for new public sector contracts. Currently at its site, Johnsons has a capacity to deal with 20,000 kg of laundry. However, management prefers to work at 80% of its capacity. At a recent board meeting, the HR manager has been asked to explain the reason for poor workforce planning and lack of discipline which has reduced the working capacity to 60%. The above information can be used to define various terms. 3.2. Designed Capacity This is the average allowable level of capability, fitness and power of competence in the performance of services. In the case cited, the Johnson Company has a capacity to deal with 20,000 kg of laundry but considering some variables in the organization, e.g. human resource availability, laundry machines, spaces, and resource operational availability. 3.3. Effective Capacity This refers to an organizational design and value chain analysis pertaining to effective capacity management (Capacitas, 2013, p. 1). Often this correlates to the nature of organizational structure, model or framework of operation, the available resources with services, repository of service, information and system of reporting, scope of managerial function, and the training or educational capacity of the companyââ¬â¢s human resources (Capacitas, 2013, p. 1). From the cited case, what is clear here is that from its designed capacity, the management agreed that it can only effectively delive r and perform 80% services. From the allowable percentile of work production, the company can only perform or produce services at a rate of 16,000 kg of laundry. It is further unclear, given the many variables, if these 16,000kg constitute the daily laundry operation of the company or in a weekly status or in a month. The case given have not expressly cited the time and days that such 60,000 kg average laundry service is attained. Itââ¬â¢s also unclear about the technology that will be used for laundry operation and neither is the case clear
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Adult development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adult development - Essay Example t limited to; not being able to acquire a job because of lack of knowledge of a particular software, not being able to converse confidently with the peers at the workplace because of lack of knowledge of the subject of discussion, and not being able to apply the theoretical knowledge to practical situations in the workplace. As an adult, an individual needs to be more responsible in order to excel in the profession. It becomes more than just cramming things up to pass the exams, which is the approach towards learning adopted by a vast majority of the juveniles. One gets to realize the importance and significance of learning once one is required to exhibit the skills acquired through learning, and oneââ¬â¢s professional growth, privileges, benefits, and the whole standard of living is associated with that. ââ¬Å"As unemployment rises, along with employer concerns about worker skills, adult learners are returning to higher education in drovesâ⬠(Cordes, 2009). As a result of t his realization, adults become more serious about learning. While they may have skipped classes in the schools to hang out with friends as juveniles, the same people tend to look for opportunities of learning, training, and skill development once they enter the professional life. An individual who was not serious about learning a software when the parents were paying the fee becomes so conscious and serious about learning that he/she wills to personally pay an institution to teach him/her that software. Tough life experiences make adults realize the importance of learning and thus, they approach learning as a ladder towards professional growth and success. IT can help adult learners in many ways. Firstly, learning through IT is a way that is best attuned to the learning style of the adults. A vast majority of adults spend considerable time using the Internet in the present age. Adults choose to use the Internet in the contemporary age in order to build contacts, and interact with friends and
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Strategic Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Marketing - Essay Example For marketers operating in a business-to-business environment, this means merging product use and industry sector segmentation with other facets that are associated with purchasing decisions. These can include factors such as the criteria for procurement, and decision motivations that will determine the out-sized purchases made by the organization. For example, the trend towards more use of subcontractors generates market for those suppliers. However, the retailers require a strategic marketing vision in order to make out or perceive these new markets before their business rivals also identify them and take the opportunity (Manning and Reece, 2003). Consumer marketers have to consider the use of demographic and geographic segmentation; along with psychographic segmentation such as attitudes, values, consumer lifestyles, and the motivation for product usage. For example, the aging population segment generates an increased demand for a wide range of goods. It also forms market niches t hat are big enough to make marketing as well as product development a worthwhile endeavor. These same factors can also contribute to the decrease in demand for other items. Occasionally, rather than increase sales or advertising efforts, it is more advisable to desert a declining market. Without strategic marketing tactics, an organization can actually waste valuable assets or miss a rare opportunity to take advantage of prevailing favourable conditions. The strategic marketing plan procedure usually has three stages. These are segmenting the market, profiling the market segments, and the creation of a market segment marketing strategy. Creating Value to Customers in Strategic Marketing The value in a manufactured product is usually defined by the reaction of customers to it. It is essentially a matter of the customerââ¬â¢s perception. If the product is perceived by the consumer as possessing value then that discernment will lead to a procurement. Customer value may also develop from having employed the product over and over again with pleasing results. Customer value in its most fundamental form refers to the difference between the price of a product and the benefit the customer gets from the product. Today's customers are much more informed as a result of the easily available modes of electronic communication that are available (Cravens and Piercy, 2008). As such, they usually purchase the goods that they sense are worth the cost required to attain them. Customers usually know precisely what they want to buy and will not waste time with low value products. It is important for marketers to have products that can be considered as unique. This is something that can make the product be viewed as being of utmost value, resulting in a higher price being appropriate. In their mission to communicate information to consumers pertaining to products, sales professionals frequently oversell and fail to notice the consumersââ¬â¢ real needs. Consequently, the produc t presented is of hardly any value to consumers. The greatest challenge that marketing professionals have to confront today is rising beyond the ordinary noise level, getting access to their targeted market, and eventually buying influence. Qualified leads are just harder to come by in todayââ¬â¢s market which is saturated with the pitches of dedicated marketers. The convergence of rich media, digital graphics, direct response tools, email,
Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Business Management - Essay Example Important issues arising from the carbon tax were identified by using the Force Field Analysis. The findings indicate that Australian products and the industry will be less competitive due to increased costs of production. Increases are also expected in the consumer price index, power generation, household expenses and job losses. Based on these findings, certain recommendations are made to reduce the side effects of carbon tax burden. These include imposing an entry carbon tax for cheaper imports and launching a scheme of roof top solar panels and wind power systems. The government can buy the power generated through these renewable energy systems. 2. Introduction The carbon tax is a type of indirect tax on the carbon content of fuels and paid by the citizens of a country. The tax is a form of 'Pigovian' tax since they tax the emitters of greenhouse gases while not making them pay the full social costs of excess carbon emission. Most of the hydrocarbon fossil fuels such as coal, die sel, and crude oil have a certain carbon percent that is released as Carbon Di Oxide when the fuel is burnt. The CO2 is a green house gas and it causes global warming while increasing the pollution levels. Firms such as power stations, oil companies, metal foundries, mining firms, cement manufacturers are the greatest emitters of CO2. Carbon tax is levied by adding a certain amount of tax on petrol, diesel and the electric power consumed by citizens in an area (Reuven and Uhlmann, 2009, p. 117). 2.1 Mechanisms used for Carbon tax implementation As per carbon tax regulations, industries identified as high emitters are taxed as per the amount of carbon they emit and this is measured in USD/ AUD per ton of carbon released. Reference tables are available that specify the amount of carbon that each type of industry emits. Therefore, an oil company such as BP will have a high liability while an automobile manufacturer that manufactures small four wheelers used to transport passengers will have a lower liability. A power generation plant that uses coal has a higher liability while one that uses natural gas has a lower liability (Metcalf, 2010, p. 63). As an example, CO2 emission for gasoline is 2.35 kilograms per litre of fuel burnt while for diesel it is 5.08 Kg/ litre of fuel burnt. For lignite coal, it is 1.396 kilogram/ kilogram while for natural gas it is 1.93 Kg/ cubic meter. This translates to a tax of 0.028 USD/ litre for gasoline for diesel it is 0.032 USD/ litre. For coal, tax is 0.0121 USD per Kilo Watt Hour (kWh) and for natural gas, it is 0.0066 USD/ kWh. Emitters are required to purchase carbon credits or they pay the tax for the products (Metcalf, 2009, p. 2). The money obtained from the tax is used to offset carbon, to set up solar and wind generation projects, in developing more fuel-efficient cars and improving power generation plants and so on. Tax placed on electric power consumed is called as energy tax while emission tax is the tax paid for each ton of carbon emitted. Many nations such as UK, Australia, New Zealand, many countries of Europe and USA have implemented carbon tax regimes (Lin and Li, 2011, p. 5138). Each nation has its own system of carbon taxation and levies. This paper will however focus only on carbon taxes for Australia and its impact on the economy and households. 3. Impact on Australian Environment and Households This section analyses the impact of carbon tax on the Australian business environment and
Friday, July 26, 2019
Philosophy of Science is about as Useful to Scientists as Ornithology Essay
Philosophy of Science is about as Useful to Scientists as Ornithology is to Birds - Essay Example Philosophers tend to question why things happen the way they do. Science is a field that establishes answers to the questionings from philosophy. According to Feynman, the philosophy of science is an aspect that helps scientists in immense ways although the scientist may never understand the ways in which it does all these. Feynman, as a physician believed in the empirical calculations of science and did not understand the philosophy surrounding science. However, his analogy gives scientists the impetus to analyze the importance of philosophy to science. There is a probability that philosophy contributes a whole lot to science but scientists do not notice. On the other hand, it would be rational to analyze how the two fields interrelate. Many scientists do not believe in philosophy today. This is contrary to what used to be the case before. Many scientists of the old times merged philosophy and science. In the old times, scientists combined science, philosophy, and theology. In the l ife of a scientist today, experimental evidence is fundamental to prove any theory right. Scientists need to understand and define methodologies that lead to a conclusion. Philosophy applies reasoning and rationality and is not an option for many scientists today. It is worth noting that most of scientific breakthroughs started as philosophical enquiries in the past. Pioneers in science found philosophy a worthwhile field and gave it some consideration as a field that could offer insights on nature (Lange, 2007:33). Albert Einstein is a good example of scientists who attached value to philosophy. In one of early books, Einstein argued that everyone should apply philosophy. Some philosophers argue that scientists should adopt... Science and philosophy are two academic fields that seek to establish new knowledge and validate it to pass for the truth. Philosophy does the bigger part of validation and considers empirical; science as a source of information. Some scientists in the past have given philosophy a dismissal because of its lack of substantial evidence. A clear understanding of the two fields will help an individual realize the worth and role of philosophy. The two fields gather knowledge and qualify it as truth using different methods. Scientists should not expect philosophers to dwell on empirical calculations because philosophy as a field uses rationality and logic. On the other hand, science must use experiments and empirical data to ascertain its findings. The two fields may incline on the same issues but they tackle them differently. Philosophy of science plays a bigger role than Feynman claimed. Some critics argue that he contributed to physical philosophy although he did not acknowledge it. Fey nman and his supporters overlooked the importance of philosophy. Underrating philosophy lacks justification because a close examination of its role indicates that it contributes greatly to science. The example of the contributions of philosophy of biology is an illustration that philosophy of science and science can complement each other.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Theory Analysis - Watson's Theory of Human Care Research Paper
Theory Analysis - Watson's Theory of Human Care - Research Paper Example History The Watsonââ¬â¢s Theory of Human Care had started taking its form through the evolution of philosophies of Dr. Jean Watson. In 1979 she gave the concept of 10 carative factors of nursing. Since then her theories have undergone several changes, though the salient framework of the theories have remained consistent. The factors mentioned above were based on philosophy, science and the art of caring. Later the concept developed into the idea of clinical caritas meaning the cherishing and appreciating the job and mixed love with the idea of nursing. The concepts were reviewed by the author from time to time in 1985 and again in 1988. She also emphasized on the development of interpersonal help and trust and relationship of care. In 1999 Watson developed the Transpersonal Caring Relation. In this theory she highlighted the potential of the connection that the nurse can establish to care and heal the patient. She also speaks of the subjective concern of the nurse for the patient (Cara, n.d.; Alligood, Marriner-Tomey, 2006, 103-104). Meaning Watson in his Theory of Human Care has emphasized on the connection of the nurse with the patient to build a relationship based on care. For a nurse, she has emphasized on a few qualities like the inclination of the nurse to acknowledge the importance of the patient, the capacity of the nurse to establish a spiritual connection with the patient so that she can feel an union with her patient and to give her patient a comfort to so that his inner healing is promoted. The theory is based on the love and compassion of the nurse. However she has pointed that in the healing process the primary agent is the patient himself and the nurse is a copartner. She has emphasized on a number of factors for the healing of the patient. They are the humane and the altruistic values, the faith and hope of oneself, sensitiveness to others as well as oneself, a relation based on help and trust, free expression of positive and negative emotion s, a creativity to solve the problems in the caring process, transpersonal gains through mutual teaching and learning. The other factors that she has outlines are a social and spiritual environment that supports and protects the patientââ¬â¢s ability to heal the physical and mental state. The factors are based on spiritual as well as existentialist and phenomenological powers (Watson, 1999, p 73 ââ¬â 75; Butts, Rich, 2010, p 286-287). Use Watson gives an outline of the ethics and morale associated with learning. According to Cara (n.d.) the profession of nursing is slowly losing its goal of caring for the patients and Watsonââ¬â¢s theory tries to reinstate that fact. Moreover she emphasizes on the powers of the soul of the patient to help in the healing process and gives a direction to the nurses assist the patient in this process of healing. In this way Watson gives subjectivity to the profession on nursing based on caring that can be applied by all the nurses (Alligood, & Marriner-Tomey, 2006, 103-114; Cara, n.d.). Logical Adequacy In the theory Watson outlines the discipline of nursing based on philosophy. Here the subjective choices of the nurse and the ontological capabilities are of extreme importance. Watson does not denounce the capability of medicines or doctors for the healing of the patient. However she emphasizes the role a nurse can play to help the process. Therefore Watsonââ¬â¢s theory of Human Care cannot be refuted based on logical derivations. Generalizabilty Watsonââ¬â¢
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Employee benefits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Employee benefits - Assignment Example include, vacation and sick leave, health insurance, pension plans and proper remuneration according to the local standards on minimum wages and working duration. The organization executes annual health and safety day where health consultants and safety experts advise the employees and carry out health assessments on employees. Besides, the employees are informed on safety compliance and health as well as compliance to environmental protection. The blood pressure of employees is measured and fresh up massages. The company allows a maximum of 6 months of sick leave for its employees but with no pay. The company has a policy of not forcing its employees to work; the only remedy for this is to deduct salaries. The directors are paid compensation in terms of pension plans, stock option plan at market price among other related benefits. The employees are offered an employee Benefit Plan 401(k) as well as single employer plan, health insurance cover which is deductable from their basic pay (Finance Week 23). The health insurance for employees is compulsory for all permanent employees. The temporary or contract employees are required to organize for their own personal health insurance prior to signing their employment contracts. The executive employees have other benefits which tied onto performance but majorly linked to the stock options plans. The executive employees receive the highest compensation in the company depending on the extent of output of the organization and its investments. Richemont Swiss offers life insurance to its employees, which is optional and deductable from the basic pay of employees. This comes after an agreement with the employees from the deduction on their pay. Besides, the organization has other health benefits such as dental benefits, long term disability for the employees in line of duty, temporary disability benefits such as accident and sickness, death benefits which comprise of travel accidents with exclusion of life assurance. The
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Emerson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Emerson - Essay Example Emerson, a former preacher forced from his church for preaching his own radical ideas on Christianity, uses strong arguments to try and get us to understand his individual philosophical perspective. Emerson tries to be the embodiment of every man not merely the writer/intellectual. He seeks affinity with all men striving for individuality, especially those disillusioned with society's constraints. Just because not conforming to the expectations of society was a compelling discovery for Emerson, one hundred and fifty years ago, today it is unlikely to rally the same enthusiasm Emerson had then. Especially when Emerson exhorts: "Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world." (Emerson, pg. 876) Have we found that power to trust ourselves "And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort and advancing on Chaos and the Dark" (Emerson, pg. 875) "Self-Reliance" expressed the need for creative ... The quote "To be great is to be misunderstood" (Emerson, pg. 879) exemplified those who shunned ideas regarding new thought and theory during his time. Today's era echo's a different chord. We constantly thrive on the newest and latest in writing, music, television and video games. We are easily bored with things unimaginative, over used and over-romanticized. Entertainment has become very individualized. As for self-sufficiency, what kid attending his first day of school isn't already inundated with the prospect of being programmed to become self-reliant If a child appears too dependant early on, parent-teacher conferences are soon in order to correct the problem. Independence is revered; free spiritedness that creates chaos is frowned upon, in classrooms and in society. Emerson muses: "What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." (Emerson, pg. 877) Again, Emerson's romantic notion of the free thinker on his mountain top living by his own set of values and beliefs is not a new concept today. Our society freely condones creative thinking as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others. We've gone full-circle in terms of expressing individuality and freedom. Our freedom
Monday, July 22, 2019
SWOT Analysis Essay Example for Free
SWOT Analysis Essay A SWOT analysis is a tool to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a business. Strengths mean characteristics of a business in advantage over others, while weaknesses are disadvantages relative to others. Opportunities mean elements that a business can exploit for its development, while threats are trouble will be face to. SWOT is to carry out the environment analysis and separate information into internal and external factors. Then, it determines whether they are favorable and unfavorable to achieve the objective so as to help an organization enhance advantages and minimize disadvantages. A SWOT analysis needs to be conducted in a proper and realistic procedure to get the complete and objective results. The participants of this analysis should be a group of people with different perspectives so that they can contribute different valid viewpoints. They can be various stakeholders of a company, such as shareholders, managers, employees, and even customers. It is typically conducted using a SWOT matrix and holds a brainstorming session to identify the factors and bullets them with priority in each of the four categories. Participants must be realistic about the environment analysis of target organization and try to keep the analysis compact. There are two most important part of a SWOT analysis, to help a business reduce risk and improve performance (Markgraf 2013). Firstly, this analysis can identify critical threats coupled with internal weaknesses that may put a company in a trouble. It improves the viability of a business about changing environment and highlights the most serious issues. For example, a new export policy issued by government could be a serious threat to the export-led industry. They should reduce resources allocated in export business and shift focus to domestic markets. Laurence (2013), a judicious recognition of global realities, states that to adapt to the appreciation of its currency, Chinaââ¬â¢s farsighted plan is to have switched the economy to a domestic consumption-driven model. The external threats require companies to adjust their business plan to adapt to new circumstances. Secondly, a SWOTà analysis can indicate actions to improve the performance of a business. Taking advantage of an opportunity from a position of strength helps ensure the success of the corresponding venture. If a company has a capital advantage and the other one has technological advantage, they can integrate firstly and then dominate other competitors. For example, Peak the top two Chinese video-sharing websites, Youku and Tudou, jointly announced that the two companies have signed a definitive agreement to integrate into Youku Tudou Inc. on March 12th, 2012 (Peak 2012). This Merge helps them to strengthen competition power in the online video market with 35 percent share. To achieve the objective, a business has to find connection between its strengths and external opportunities. A SWOT analysis has become a popular method to help a business to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. People should conduct this analysis in a proper way to appraise critical internal and external factors so that SWOT will be valuable to reduce risk and improve performance of a business. Reference Markgraf, B. (2013). The Two Most Important Parts of SWOT Analysis. Chron. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from Neville, L. (2013). Cover: A New Economic Model For China. Global Finance. Retrieved March 18, 2015, from Peak, K. (2012). Chinese online video companies Youku, Tudou merge. Vatornews. Retrieved March 17, 2015, from
Psychology and Its function Essay Example for Free
Psychology and Its function Essay The American Heritage dictionary defines psychology as the science that deals with mental processes and behavior. The difference between a literature and a psychology major is that a literature major is already seeing their patients. Every day a literature major opens up their books, and finds out something else upon a host of characters psyches. They are presented with odd situations, with broken characters, and they must come to an understanding of whom that character is in order to understand their actions. Literature aids us in our understanding of reality by giving us fictionalized example of how real people would act in intense situations. A good author makes you believe his or her characters are real, and understand why they do what they do. This is particularly apparent in Araby by James Joyce, and As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner Araby, by James Joyce allows its reader to see life through the eyes of an adolescent struggling to be a man. It allows the reader to see the reality of what its like to feel unaccomplished and pathetic. The boy in the story is trying to make his voyage to the bazaar, his new adventure to mean that hes entered a new phase of life. Time suddenly seems to slow down in the story as the boy waits for Saturday to arrive. I could not call my wandering thoughts together he complains I had hardly any practice with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire seemed to me childs play, ugly monotonous childs play. (Joyce, 29) Illustrated in the story are the real emotions the boy is feeling as both a man too old to be child, and a child too young to be a man. The boys arrival at the bazaar, and inability to purchase anything shows him that he is not ready to be the man he is striving to be by triumphantly impressing Mangans sister. The story is a study on the popular reality of adolescence. Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger reflects the boy, finallyà realizing that the whole quest was frivolous, the girl was a fantasy. So, in this end he has gained some self-realization. His ability to recognize his youth and his ignorance is a growth. This sort of insight into the psyche of an adolescent could be found after years of study of adolescent psychology, or it could be learned through a powerful illustration like Araby. Araby, like much literature, provides us with an example of how many young boys feel about lifefrustrated, unaccomplished, and eager to grow up. In As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner we the reader get a unique opportunity to understand and see into the psyche of nearly every character in the book. We get a full picture of the characters reality by seeing the actions of the novel from various perspectives. Faulkner teaches As I Lay Dying readers that no one perspective is correct, which is a valuable lesson to bring to the real world. The novel, simply from the way it is written, teaches us a great deal about how different peoples views of situations effect how they interact within them. In the novel Cash is able to feel accomplished, important, and like he can do something about his mothers death by building a coffin. Dewey Dell cannot understand this, she is disgusted that hes built his coffin right outside the window where Addie can see it. Neither one of them communicates with each other or allows their emotions to be revealed. This sort of breakdown of communication between families is often a cause of fighting within households. Often, we do not understand that different people almost always have different perspectives, and explaining them could prevent resentment and anger. By giving us various narrators and no overall judge of the situation, Faulkner is allowing us to see this about both the novel, and reality. Often in literature gives us an example of how people act in real life. I find myself relating literary examples to whats happening in my life almost every day. How often do we as a society hear the term Big Brother in reference to the way our government is acting? Many novels we read in class gave us an understanding on how people interact with each other in real life. A true literary analyst sees the characters world as a reality, and often feels like a psychologist, trying to get the root of the meaning of a characters actions.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Study On The First And Second Congo War History Essay
Study On The First And Second Congo War History Essay Congo has faced many small struggles. The major wars of the Congo are termed as Ist Congo War and Second Congo War. These wars resulted in huge loss and casualty. The First Congo War (November 1996 to May 1997) ended when Zairean President Mobutu Sà ©sà © Seko was overthrown by rebel forces backed by neighboring Uganda and Rwanda. Rebel leader Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila declared himself president and changed the name of the nation back to Democratic Republic of the Congo. The war set the foundation for, and was quickly followed by, the Second Congo War, also named the African World War, which began on August 2, 1998. The Second Congo War, also known as Africas World War and the Great War of Africa, began in August 1998 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly called Zaire), and officially ended in July 2003 when the Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo took power (though hostilities continue to this day). The largest war in modern African history, it directly involved eight African nations, as well as about 25à armed groups. By 2008 the war and its aftermath had killed 5.4à million people, mostly from disease and starvation, making the Second Congo War the deadliest conflict worldwide since World War II. Millions more were displaced from their homes or sought asylum in neighboring countries. Despite a formal end to the war in July 2003 and an agreement by the former belligerents to create a government of national unity, 1,000à people died daily in 2004 from easily preventable cases of malnutrition and disease. The war and the conflicts afterwards are, amo ng other things, driven by the trade of conflict minerals. First Congo War Origin Mobutu had ruled Zaà ¯re since 1965 with backing from the United States, which viewed him as a bulwark against the Communist MPLA in Angola, ZANU in Zimbabwe, and ANC in South Africa. A wave of democratization swept through Africa in the early 1990s, following the collapse of the Soviet Union. There was substantial internal and external pressure for a democratic transition in Zaà ¯re and Mobutu promised reform. He officially ended the one-party system he had maintained since 1967, but ultimately was unwilling to implement broad reform, alienating allies both at home and abroad. There had long been considerable internal resistance to Mobutus rule. Opposition included leftists who had supported Patrice Lumumba as well as ethnic and regional minorities opposed to the dominance of the Kinshasa region. Kabila, an ethnic Katangese, had been fighting the Mobutu government for decades. In what became known as the Great Lakes refugee crisis, 2 million Hutu refugees fled from Rwanda, fearing retaliatory genocide, after the Rwandan Patriotic Front took over the country in July 1994, ending the Rwandan Genocide. Among the refugees were members of the Interahamwe, militia groups linked to political parties who took part in the genocide earlier that year. They set up camps in eastern Zaire from which they attacked both Rwandan Tutsis and Banyamulenge, Zairian Tutsis. Mobutu, whose control of the country was beginning to weaken, supported the Hutu extremists for political reasons and did nothing to stop the ongoing violence. Course of the war When the vice-governor of South Kivu Province issued an order in November 1996 ordering the Banyamulenge to leave Zaire on penalty of death, they erupted in rebellion. The anti-Mobutu forces combined to form the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Zaire (AFDL). The AFDL received the support of the leaders of African Great Lakes states, particularly Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Yoweri Mucseveni of Uganda. Lacking foreign military assistance, many elements of the Zairian Army joined Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila as they marched from eastern Congo on Kinshasa. With active support from Rwanda, Uganda and Angola, Kabilas forces moved methodically down the Congo river, encountering only light resistance from the crumbling regime based in Kinshasa. The bulk of his fighters were Tutsis and many were veterans from conflicts in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Kabila himself had credibility because he had been a longtime political opponent of Mobutu, and was a follower of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the independent Congo who was murdered and overthrown from power by a combination of internal and external forces, to be replaced by the then Lt.-Gen. Mobutu. Kabila had declared himself a Marxist and an admirer of Mao Zedong. He had been waging armed rebellion in eastern Zaire for nearly two decades, although according to Che Guevaras account of the conflict, he was an uncommitted and uninspiring leader. Kabilas army began a slow movement westward in December 1996 near the end of the Great Lakes refugee crisis, taking control of border towns and mines and solidifying control. There were reports of massacres and brutal repression by the rebel army. A UN human rights investigator published statements from witnesses claiming that the AFDL engaged in massacres, and that as many as 60,000 civilians were killed by the advancing army, a claim strenuously denied by the AFDL. Roberto Garreton stated that his investigation in Goma turned up allegations of disappearances, torture and killings. He quoted Moese Nyarugabo, an aide to Mobutu, as saying that killings and disappearances should be expected in wartime. In March 1997, Kabilas forces launched an offensive and demanded the government surrender. The rebels took Kasenga on March 27. These reports were dismissed by the government which would begin a long pattern of disinformation from the Defense Minister as to the progress and conduct of the war. Talks were proposed in late March. Etienne Tshisekedi, a long time rival of Mobutu, became Prime Minister on April 2. Kabila, by this point in control of roughly 25% of the country, dismissed the coalition government as irrelevant and warned Tshisekedi that he would have no part in a new government if he accepted the post. Throughout the month of April the AFDL made consistent progress down the river, and by May were on the outskirts of Kinshasa. On May 16, 1997, the multinational army headed by Kabila battled to secure Lubumbashi airport in the southeast of the country after peace talks broke down and Mobutu fled the country. He died on September 7, 1997 in Morocco. Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabila proclaimed himself president on the same day and immediately ordered a violent crackdown to restore order. He then began an attempt at reorganization of the nation as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, once Kabila was in power, the situation changed dramatically. He quickly became suspected of corruption and authoritarianism comparable to Mobutu. Many pro-democratic groups abandoned him. He began a vigorous centralization campaign, bringing renewed conflict with minority groups in the east who demanded autonomy. Kabila began to turn against his former Rwandan allies when they showed little sign of withdrawing from his territory. He accused them and their allies of trying to capture the regions mineral resources. His reliance on the Rwandan government for political and military aid contributed to the perception that he was a puppet of the Rwandan government. In August 1998, Kabila dismissed all ethnic Tutsis from the government and ordered all Rwandan and Ugandan officials to leave the DRC. The two countries then turned against their former client, sending troops to aid rebels attempting to overthrow Kabila. This paved the way for the beginning of the Second Congo War. Second Congo War The second Congo war was a consequence of first war Congo war. The First Congo War began in 1996 as Rwanda grew increasingly concerned that members of Rassemblement Dà ©mocratique pour le Rwanda militias, who were carrying out cross-border raids from Zaire (currently known as the Democratic Republic of Congo), were planning an invasion. The new Tutsi-dominated government of Rwanda protested this violation of their territorial integrity and began to give arms to the ethnically Tutsi Banyamulenge of eastern Zaire. This intervention was vigorously denounced by the Mobutu govrernment of Zaire, but he did not have any military capability to oppose, and little political capital to spend. With active support from Rwanda, Uganda and Angola, Laurent-Dà ©sirà © Kabilas rebel forces moved methodically down the Congo River, encountering only light resistance from Morbutus crumbling regime based in Kinshasa. The bulk of Kabilas fighters were Tutsis and many were veterans from conflicts in the Great Luakes region of Africa. Kabila himself had credibility because he had been a longtime political opponent of Mobutu, and had been a follower of Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the independent Congo who was murdered and overthrown from power by a combination of internal and external forces, to be replaced by the then-Lieutenant General Mobutu in 1965. Kabila had declared himself a Marxist and an admirer of Mao Zedong. He had been waging armed rebellion in eastern Zaire for more than three decades, though, according to Che Guevaras account of the early years of the conflict, he was an uncommitted and uninspirational leader. Kabilas army began a slow movement westward in December 1996 near the end of the Great Lakes refugee crisis, taking control of border towns and mines and solidifying control. There were reports of massacres and brutal repression by the rebel army. A UN human rights investigator published statements from witnesses claiming that Kabilas ADrFLC engaged in massacres, and that as many as 60,000à civilians were killed by the advancing army (a claim strenuously denied by the ADFLC). Roberto Garreton stated that his investigation in Goma turned up allegations of disappearances, torture and killings. He quoted Moese Nyarugabo, an aide to Mobutu, as saying that killings and disappearances should be expected in wartime. Kabilas forces launched an offensive in March 1997 and demanded the government surrender. On March 27 the rebels took Kasenga. The governments denied the rebels success, starting a long pattern of false statements from the Defense Minister as to the progress and conduct of the war. Negotiations were proposed in late March and on April 2 a new Prime Minister was installed, Etienne Tshisekedi, a long time rival of Mobutu. Kabila, by this point in rough control of one quarter of the country, dismissed this as irrelevant, and warned Tshisekedi that he would have no part in a new government if he accepted the post. Throughout the month of April the ADFLC made consistent progress down the river, and by May were on the outskirts of Kinshasa. On May 16, 1997 the multinational army headed by Kabila battled to secure Lubumbashi airport after peace talks broke down and Mobutu fled the country. He died on September 7, 1997 in Morocco. After securing victory, Kabila controlled Kinshasa. He proclaimed himself President on the same day and immediately ordered a violent crackdown to restore order. He then began an attempt at reorganization of the nation. Aftermath and legacy Areas of continuing conflict The fragility of the state has allowed continued violence and human rights abuses in the east. There are three significant centers of conflict: North and South Kivu, where a weakened FDLR continues to threaten the Rwandan border and the Banyamulenge, and where Rwanda supports RCD-Goma rebels against Kinshasa (see Kivu conflict); Ituri, where MONUC has proved unable to contain the numerous militia and groups driving the Ituri conflict; northern Katanga, where Mai-Mai created by Laurent Kabila slipped out of the control of Kinshasa. The ethnic violence between Hutu- and Tutsi-aligned forces has been a driving impetus for much of the conflict, with people on both sides fearing their annihilation as a race. The Kinshasa- and Hutu-aligned forces enjoyed close relations as their interests in expelling the armies and proxy forces of Uganda and Rwanda dovetail. While the Uganda- and Rwanda-aligned forces worked closely together to gain territory at the expense of Kinshasa, competition over access to resources created a fissure in their relationship. There were reports that Uganda permitted Kinshasa to send arms to the Hutu FDLR via territory held by Uganda-backed rebels as Uganda, Kinshasa and the Hutus are all seeking, in varying degrees, to check the influence of Rwanda and its affiliates. Possible Remedial Steps Help by Developed nations. Continued help and support by UNO and its members. Efficient government and its policy. Uplifting moral character and standard of the people by creating awareness and educating people.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Animal Rights in the Media Essay -- social issues
Animal Rights in the Media This essay will explore the moral and ethical issues raised by human superiority over animals, why we shouldnââ¬â¢t have any superiority, and how this subject is portrayed in a variety of different media. The world today is becoming less aware of the pain and suffering being inflicted on animals. As a result, animals are becoming even more and more downtrodden in society. Humans have, and continue to, treat animals as if they are property, as if we can own and therefore control their lives and what happens to them. This is immoral, animals are here for themselves, animals have their own lives, and they think, have feelings, feel pain, require love (from their own species), feel emotional hurt, have families, and everything else that humans do. To just simply say that non-human animals should have no rights because theyââ¬â¢re ââ¬Å"defectiveâ⬠is a mindless statement! People come to this ââ¬Å"conclusionâ⬠because they come up with some mindless babble like, non-human animals canââ¬â¢t talk, drive cars or vote, therefore they have no non-tradable properties. Well answer me this; do non-human animals have the right to exist in their natural environment and express behaviours that matter to them? We withhold non-human animals the very basic rights, simply because they donââ¬â¢t resemble humans. Humans are speciest. Humans are callous, brutal and cold-blooded towards non-human animals; humans have no consideration for the feelings and suffering which they selfishly inflict on animals. When a human kills another human they are the disgrace of the country, the headlines in the news, and all they did was kill one human, one insignificant human life. Yet, no one seems to care that everyday billions upon billions of innocent animals are being sickeningly, nauseatingly, hideously, vilely, unanaesthetically murdered for meat. If you think the process of that cute cow in the field to the steak on your plate is all candy and roses, then here is an extract from a very informative article on the way in which an animal is killed to become meat, (something that humans have no nutritional requirement for!). ââ¬Å"Death came in the form of a pneumatic nail gun that was placed against their heads and fired. The gun is designed so that the nail never completely leaves the gun, but simply is blown into the animal's head and then pulled out by the butcher as the animal co... ...or things as vain as make-up, yes thatââ¬â¢s right, millions of whales are murdered to make useless cosmetics, vain and heartless! This book shows man in his most arrogant state, it shows that humans will stop at nothing, they donââ¬â¢t care if it involves the ruthless torture of non-human animals, as long as their profiting then they donââ¬â¢t care. So as all the sources show, humans are heartless and speciest. The way in which humans treat non-human animals needs drastic changing; we should not be exploiting them for any reason at all. There are not here to serve us, they are here for there own purposes. One final question for you to consider; ââ¬Å"If possessing a higher degree of intelligence does not entitle one human to use another for his own ends, how can it entitle humans to exploit non-humans?â⬠References Sewell, A. (1877) Black Beauty, United States of America: Nancy Springer ÃË Smith, V. (1943) Musco ââ¬â Blue Whale, Maryborough, Vic: Hedges & Bell Pty. Ltd ÃË Andre (1996) ÃË Gifford, D. (2001) ââ¬Å"meat is murderâ⬠, URL: ÃË Pyers, G & Gott, R. (1994) ââ¬Å"Treated like animalsâ⬠, The relationships between people and animals, Carlton, Vic: CIS publishers
Friday, July 19, 2019
An Enemy of The People Essay examples -- essays research papers
An Enemy of the People à à à à à Dr. Thomas Stockmann was a determined and caring man who was passionate when it came to his beliefs. However, Stockmann was also an idealist who was rather naive when it came to reality. As the Medical Advisor of the baths, he wanted to expose the truth of the hazards that the baths presented before any more people became ill. He fought with the fervor of a true patriot, but was accused of trying to sabotage the hometown that he was fighting for and was condemned as a traitor. Was Dr. Stockmann really an enemy of the people or just an idealist with all the odds against him? à à à à à Right from the beginning of the play it was apparent that Dr. Stockmann was a man of character. He welcomed the company of his fellow townspeople by offering food and drinks to anyone who entered the Stockmann house. He was very active in town and was constantly publishing articles and pamphlets concerning various ideas he had to improve the health or lives of his fellow citizens. The main reason he took such a strong position on the issue of the baths was because it concerned the health of the public. Even after the whole town was against him, Dr. Stockmann was still looking out for the well-being of the people by not giving in to the Mayorââ¬â¢s request that he take back his accusations in order to save his job. à à à à à One of the several things the doctor had against him was that not many people too...
The Hopi Indians :: American America History
The Hopi Indians In the southwestern United States, above northern Arizona, are three mesas. The mesas create the home for the Hopi Indians. The Hopi have a deeply religious, isolated, tribal culture with a unique history. The Hopi stress group cooperation. The tribe is organized around a clan system. In a clan system, all the members consider themselves relatives. The clans form a social glue that has held the Hopi villages together. Clan membership provides a singular Hopi identity. The Hopi have a highly developed belief system which contains many gods and spirits. Ceremonies, rituals, dances, songs, and prayers are celebrated in year-round. The Hopi believed they were led to the arid southwestern region of America by their creator, because he knew they had the power to evoke rain with power and prayer. Consequently, the Hopi are connected to their land, its agricultural cycles and the constant quest for rainfall, in a religious way. The religious center of the community is the kiva, which is an underground room with a ladder protruding above the roof. The kiva is very important for several reasons. From the kiva, a connection is made with the center of the earth. Also, the kiva is symbolic for the emergence to this world. The room would represent the underworld and the ladder would represent the way to the upper world. In fact, a room is kept in the house to store ceremonial objects. A sacred ear of corn protects the room and symbolizes the ancestry of the fam ily members. Kachinas are also a focal point of the religion. For a Hopi, they signify spirits of ancestors, dieties of the natural world, or intermediaries between man and gods. The Hopi believe that they are the earth's caretakers, and with the successful performance of their ceremonial cycle, the world will remain in balance, the gods will be happy and rain will come. Because they think of their crops as gifts, the Hopi Indians live in harmony with the environment. Art is also used for ritualistic purposes. Men's loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels to symbolize falling rain. Men also wore elaborate costumes that include special headdresses, masks, and body paints during ritual ceremonies and dances. The Hopi follow a seasonal sense of time. Depending on the season, different preparations were used for collecting the rain. Droughts required the Hopis to adopt new farming methods that are still in use today.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Action Research Proposal
In 1980, a new curriculum KBSR (or integrated curriculum for primary school) was introduced in order to develop individuals who are more rounded and versatile. Later on, the KBSM (the integrated curriculum for secondary school) was implemented as the students progressed to secondary school. As a continuation of the strategy, the secondary school program was developed, whereby it is emphasizing on the teaching of four language skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Besides that, sound system, grammar and vocabulary are also included as the content of the syllabus. Here, the purpose of the strategy is to upgrade general proficiency of English Language among Malaysian students. Most of the tasks listed in our syllabus are focusing on the communicative purpose. But, in fact, classroom approaches are usually depends on the teacher to decide the best methods for his or her own class. For the primary level pupil, they learn English eight periods a week from Standard One to Standard Three and seven periods a week from Standard Four to Standard Six. At the secondary level, students learn English five periods a week. Myriad of background, ranging from diverse ethnicity closely consisting of Malay, Chinese and Indian students to differences in personality traits and motivational levels and types are the unique features of our Malaysian school classrooms. There is a growing trend in language education today to shift the focus from the teacher to learner. This view sees the learner as the active participant in the learning process and the teacherââ¬â¢s role not only to teach the learner ââ¬Å"what to learnâ⬠but to teach the learner ââ¬Å"how to learnâ⬠. In other words the teacherââ¬â¢s prime role is to help learners become independent or autonomous learners I have been in SJK (T) Pengkalan Hulu for about three months. I have been given responsibility to teach English Language for Year 4 pupils. The pupils in my class are with different learning ability and different competence level. There are good, moderate and weak pupils in my class. Therefore, I need to manage myself to be familiar with the pupilsââ¬â¢ attitude and behavior. In addition, I need to know their needs in learning process whereby they have different level of English Language competency. The English language competency level among the Year 4 pupils of SJK (T) Pengkalan Hulu is mix between low and moderate level. They are very weak in vocabulary and pronunciation. Failure to master both aspects need to be tackled to meet the challenge to produce students who are able to communicate and versatile.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Business report Essay
This distinguish illustrates two shipway that everlasting(a) Atlantic childs playway uses to topical anestheticise luckyly in Africa. The two aspects be teleph ace circuit and topical anesthetic directions. These are base on partnerships website, donnish journals and newspapers. Business agency companies should haul the fortune to expend their business. local anesthetic means the keep company should be concerning or so the local sparing situation and the local peoples lifestyle, in order to let the local accepting them set in Africa, thereof makes that saturated Atlantic air hose grade in Africa happy. The two ways utilise by virgin Atlantic airline business have been nighly victoriously institutionalise in Africa.If unadulterated Atlantic skyway keeps considering astir(predicate) these two aspects to their posting program, it give the bounce make their confideiture program much successful than their current situation. 1. Introduction gross (a) Atlantic air lane is oneness of the closely famous airline giants in the world. Its successful enthronement in Africa is an definitive immanent that makes this company reaches this rank. 1. 1 Background double-dyed(a) familiarity was seted in 1968 by Richard Branson in the United Kingdom. Until 2012, the thoroughgoing(a) mint utilize almost more(prenominal) than 50,000 people oer 50 countries in the world. Global brand revenues of ?15bn ($24bn). virginal Corporation is a international close company. In 1970, the virginal concourse has gone on to grow successful businesses in sectors ranging from mobile telephony, travel, financial services, leisure, music, holidays, wellness to wellness. arrant(a) Atlantic set up in 1984. The company has become Britains second largest carrier serving legal age of cities in the world. In 1999. stark(a) Atlantic started cooperation with South Africa Airways. At the same epoch, Virgin added a new airline leakage to South Africa . In 2004, Nigerian investors and Virgin Group founded in Virgin Nigeria.However, Virgin, the study shareholders inform their withdrawal from the partnership in 2009. 1. 2 Purpose The purpose is explaining how successful Virgin Atlantic Airway investment is in Africa. 1. 3 Methods The mode of this report is based on business and local perspectives to prove that Virgin Atlantic Airway makes a successful investment in Africa. 2. Findings and Discussion 2. 1 Business The reaping rates of a number of Afri apprize countries were achieving impressive levels with consistency. When transnational corporations choose to invest in Africa, business luck is one of the biggest reasons.In 2009, Virgin Atlantic Airway found a proper time when they moved into Africa. The economic feats after Virgin Atlantic Airway moved in Africa included skirt 1 From 20032007 Virgin Atlantic Financial Y/E April 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 PAX NO (cal year) 3. 8m 4. 3m 4. 4m 4. 6m 5. 1m TURNOVER ?1401m ?1272m* ?1630m ?1912m 2140m net/(LOSS) ?15. 7m ?20. 9m* ?20. 1m** ?41. 6** ?46. 8 (Source From Virgin Atlantic Airways Company Overview, n. d. ) The table shows Virgin Atlantic financial position from 2003 to 2007, it was increase. From 1999, Virgin Atlantic Airway started investment in Africa.They found a new lieu to lose ones temper their business. From Table 1, from 2003 to 2007, their utility obviously change magnitude from ? 15. 7m to ? 46. 8m. Especially, in 2006, the profit of Virgin Atlantic Airway almost doubled that in 2005. Furthermore, at the same time, Virgin Atlantic Airway invested in Nigeria which is one of the important reasons for the fast increase in company profit. Virgin Atlantic freightage today announced revenues for the 2010/2011 financial year increasing 39 per cent to A? 224. 4 million (Virgin Cargo sees 39% ,n. d. ). In EMEA, sales increased 47 per cent over 2009/10.(Virgin Cargo sees 39%, n. d. ) In February 2009, SAA and Virgin Atlantic expanded their ex isting code-share. In show 2009, SAA offered additional flights and increased capacity on the route between Johannesburg and Mumbai. ( trade Overview Travel, 2010) Table 2 Overall ownership 51% Nigerian, 49% Technical first mate (Virgin Atlantic) 49% Virgin Atlantic Technical Partner (owned 51% Virgin, 49% Singapore Airlines) 11% Capital Alliance Leading private e foresweary investor blue-chip investors/management 10% Dantata Leading industrial/services complex based in Muslim unification 4% Standard Trust intrustLargest Nigerian bank, new generation schema 26% Other Nigerian institutional investors 17 other Nigerian indemnification companies, banks, corporates, private equity firms. (Source FromInvestment surround in Africa, 2005) This Table explains that the percentage of Virgin Atlantic invested in Nigeria. Virgin Atlantic is the major share-holder in Virgin Nigeria. In 2009, Virgin Atlantic Airway quitted from Virgin Nigeria. Virgin investment in Nigeria announced failed . However, Virgin Atlantic Airway invest in Africa had failed in some situation. In 2009, Virgin Atlantic Airway quit from Virgin Nigeria.From Table 2, Virgin was the major share-holder in Virgin Nigeria, Akpo. E (2013) states, away factors include but are not limited to poor infrastructure in Nigeria, conflicts with governments aviation government as regards use of facilities and poor profit turnout(p. 6). It means Virgin has a negative factor in choosing a place. Thus, Virgin Atlantic Airway should be concerning that knows what other international investment companies method about investment and management. If they have uphold communication between company and the company, they depose avoid failed in Nigeria and their business space in Africa will wider than now.2. 2 Local The company plans to move into another country, the draw will consider the local task first. When the local withstand the company that means the companys investment program has succeed and has a good begi nning. In 2004, Virgin Atlantic Airway invested in Nigeria, and the leader of Virgin has considered this issue. Lumess Talent attainment has executed across all of the business by Virgin Atlantic, which received 130,000applications from 2,200vafannycies advertize every year (Virgin Atlantic uncovers the best talent and cuts time to involve by 20% n. d. ).Virgins investment in Africa started from 1999, Virgin Atlantic Airway got the supporting from local that Virgin Atlantic Airway had received 130,000 applications for 2,200 va nookycies advertise annually. This way boosts international economic cooperation, and promotes the kind between investment company and local. Moreover, investment in Africa has promoted the tourist industry of Africa because it can bring many business chances and enkindle local economic. Brand new air crafts and a mix of expatriates and local employees was commenced operations by Virgin Nigeria (The birth, the rise and the slide by of Virgin Nigeria 2013 ).High traffic product occurred because the emergence of budget airlines and the booming economic climate in South Africa (Market Overview Travel 2010). On the other hand, Virgin Atlantic Airway invested in Africa cipher the worry of employment. Akpo. E (2013) states, Virgin Nigeria commenced operations with brand new air crafts and a mix of expatriates and local employees (p. 6). Recruitment of locals is one of the reasons that Virgin Atlantic Airway gets support from the local. Therefore, Virgin Atlantic Airways method is right to have achievement in Africa for the company.In this aspect, Virgin Atlantic Airway should be keeping the equilibrize of local employees and service woodland. If they perform official inspections every month, they will solve the problem between local employees and service quality and keep of it. 3. Conclusion This report understandably states that Virgin is almost successful to invest in Africa. The reason is that they catch the opportunity to expa nd their business and consider about the local situation of Africa. Virgin can provide working opportunities to the local, and help the economics of Africa growth.Overall, Virgin is one of the best examples to portray how well a company investment in Africa. 4. Recommendation and implementation As a company, investment is one of the most important programs. Companies should know about how to catch the business opportunities and cater for the local. Therefore, Virgin Corporation attaches importance to business and local. They catch a good opportunity for the investment program. However, in order to make Virgin Corporation become more successful investment in Africa.Accordingly, the following recommendations are do If Virgin Corporation concerns about communication with other local air company, the company will know more about the local situation and find more new partners. Virgin should not just now communicate with their work partner because they motivation expanding in the fu ture. If Virgin Corporation improves the dexterity of regulating conflict and keeping the balance with inner and outer. Virgin Atlantic Airway will not withdraw from Virgin Nigeria. For example, having a regular assignment to the employees can avoid poor employee attitude as a minus.
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