Thursday, July 18, 2019

Action Research Proposal

In 1980, a new curriculum KBSR (or integrated curriculum for primary school) was introduced in order to develop individuals who are more rounded and versatile. Later on, the KBSM (the integrated curriculum for secondary school) was implemented as the students progressed to secondary school. As a continuation of the strategy, the secondary school program was developed, whereby it is emphasizing on the teaching of four language skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking). Besides that, sound system, grammar and vocabulary are also included as the content of the syllabus. Here, the purpose of the strategy is to upgrade general proficiency of English Language among Malaysian students. Most of the tasks listed in our syllabus are focusing on the communicative purpose. But, in fact, classroom approaches are usually depends on the teacher to decide the best methods for his or her own class. For the primary level pupil, they learn English eight periods a week from Standard One to Standard Three and seven periods a week from Standard Four to Standard Six. At the secondary level, students learn English five periods a week. Myriad of background, ranging from diverse ethnicity closely consisting of Malay, Chinese and Indian students to differences in personality traits and motivational levels and types are the unique features of our Malaysian school classrooms. There is a growing trend in language education today to shift the focus from the teacher to learner. This view sees the learner as the active participant in the learning process and the teacher’s role not only to teach the learner â€Å"what to learn† but to teach the learner â€Å"how to learn†. In other words the teacher’s prime role is to help learners become independent or autonomous learners I have been in SJK (T) Pengkalan Hulu for about three months. I have been given responsibility to teach English Language for Year 4 pupils. The pupils in my class are with different learning ability and different competence level. There are good, moderate and weak pupils in my class. Therefore, I need to manage myself to be familiar with the pupils’ attitude and behavior. In addition, I need to know their needs in learning process whereby they have different level of English Language competency. The English language competency level among the Year 4 pupils of SJK (T) Pengkalan Hulu is mix between low and moderate level. They are very weak in vocabulary and pronunciation. Failure to master both aspects need to be tackled to meet the challenge to produce students who are able to communicate and versatile.

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